RiverCom is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week processing emergency 911 and non-emergency calls-for-service and dispatching twenty-three (23) law, fire, and emergency medical public safety agencies withinProvided photo/RiverCom 911. Dispatcher. Records for 9-1-1 call receiver and dispatch activities: i. CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) Call Logs iii. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, November 10, 2021 The Rivet. 911 dispatcher serving both Chelan and Douglas counties in Washington state. 140 S Mission St Wenatchee WA 98801. General Operating Account $406,461. Wenatchee, WA 98801. RiverCom will participate in the consortium as a "remote" site. All 9-1-1 emergency communications are handled through the "RiverCom 911" Dispatch Center that dispatches for all Chelan County police, fire, and EMS agencies, including for the cities of Cashmere, East Wenatchee, and Wenatchee. RIVERCOM was prepared to extend final job offers to four (4) individuals but one (1)RiverCom's contractual financial obligations have been met toward the new recently- installed E911 phone system. Employment offers are made on the basis of qualifications and without regard to race, gender, religion,national or ethnic origin, disability, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Sales. WENATCHEE — RiverCom 911, the regional emergency dispatch center, is mulling over leasing the Confluence Technology Center’s entire second floor and potentially half of the basement for its new headquarters. RIVERCOM 911: Vendor Information Form – 01/01/21 (Page 1 of 1) RIVERCOM 911 P. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES. RiverCom Administrative Board Minutes, September 15, 2021 RiverCom Administrative Board Special Meeting Minutes, September 29, 2021 RiverCom Administrative Board Workshop Minutes, October 13, 2021 6 Financial reports for the month ending September 30 2021 Payroll for September 1-30, 2021 paid October 5, 2021. RiverCom Staff will be traveling with other agency representatives to Tennessee and Texas later in the month to review. SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Kevin Overbay (Chair), Dan Sutton (Chair Pro Tem), Jerrilea Grawford, Arnold. ng, Cha. Go to the button next to this link to open sub menu. RIVERCOM 911 ATTEST: es C. About RiverCom; Administrative Board. 420 provides the basis for a sales and use tax for emergency communication systems and facilities. RiverCom may provide technical expertise to Customer as may be required for proper operations of Customer’s systems and for procurement of Customer’s communications. RiverCom RESOLUTION 2021-1 A Resolution to Approve and Adopt an Annual Budget for the Year 2022 Whereas, RiverCom is a designated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point. WENATCHEE — The regional emergency dispatch center, RiverCom 911, is looking to relocate by building a new facility. org Contact: RiverCom 911 Josh Humphrey P. RiverCom is a two-county, designated Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) located in central Washington that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week processing 911 and non-emergency calls for service, and dispatching for 21 law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical response agencies in Chelan and Douglas counties. Read All. 14. After considering an initial discussion with Doug Dickerson of RCC Consultants about the Phase 4 project and the. RiverCom 911 Oct 2013 - Jan 2022 8 years 4 months. O. Closed Holidays. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – March 12, 2014 Page 3 operations were challenged due to several hours of down time and an exceptionally busy day that included several significant calls. Contact information related to this report Address: RiverCom 911 140 South MissionRIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – December 10, 2014 Page 5 RIVERCOM 911 Administrative Board Members: _____ Wayne Barnhart, Chairman, Council Member, City of East Wenatchee Keith Goehner, Vice-Chairman, Commissioner, Chelan County Dale Snyder, Commissioner, Douglas County Frank Kuntz, Mayor, City of. . Over the twelve-month period, RiverCom paid out a total of about $8,700 for the provision. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – October 10, 2012 Page 4 Outside Revenue and Grants (Capital) $ 757 0% Fire Simulcast Grant Audit Assistant State Auditor Kathleen Lince has completed the audit for the 2009 DHS Firefighter Assistance Grant project and conducted pre-exit meeting at the end of September with Director. L. RiverCom is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point providing public safety c RiverCom 911 | Wenatchee WARiverCom 911 For the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019. Project. Kevin Morris; Steve Crown RiverCom Staff: Misty Viebrock; Staci Larsen; Josh Humphrey; Jerry Corder; and Molly Elliott B CALL TO ORDER — Chairwoman Crawford. Lots of coordination takes place to make this work. Current executive director Misty Viebrok, director for three years, will then serve as deputy. RiverCom serves as the regional 911 point-of-contact and is the only 911 communications agency by which all public safety agencies in Chelan and Douglas counties respond. Misty S. 430 Wenatchee Police 155. LEO & CO PAT Retest . RiverCom Administrative Board Minutes, July 21, 2021 Requested changes to the minutes is the date for section E. Wenatchee, WA. Kevin Overbay (Chair), Dan. On April 30, 2021, Hodson, Lisa filed a General Adminstrative - (Administrative) case represented by Cartwright, Tiffany Mae against Rivercom 911 respresented by Myers, Jeffrey Scott in the jurisdiction of Chelan County, WA. 9/11/2019 12:58:34 PM. Minutes Respectfully Submitted, Staci Larsen Financial Manager 20 Date RiverCom 911 ATTEST: Misty S. Created Date:RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 301 Yakima Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Viebro Executive DirectorRiverCom 911 is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that provides communications for the state of Washington’s Chelan and Douglas counties. In 2012, the agency installed a 911 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) network to support its 23 different law enforcement, fire and emergency medical agencies. RiverCom. Any person wanting to request copies of public records from RiverCom 911 can do so by clicking the link below: SUBMIT A REQUESTThe RiverCom Administrative Board. RIVERCOM has hired three (3) individuals for the positions of Emergency Services Dispatcher. OLD BUSINESS 1 2. Directions. O. O. The public disclosure of RiverCom's records is governed primarily by the Public Records Act (PRA), and various other federal and state laws as may be applicable. RiverCom will achieve its 15th year anniversary on July 1, 2019. Open menu Close menu. RiverCom is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point providing public safety c RiverCom 911 | Wenatchee WAFire / EMS. RiverCom is accepting applications from experienced and highly-qualified individuals for the position of Executive Director. Payroll for June 1-30, 2023, paid July 5, 2023. Read All. O. K. Works evenings and weekends as may be required for meetings, cut-overs, and emergencyMeet Kalah! She won the 2022 Telecommunicator of the Year award here at RiverCom 911. RiverCom 911: Job Description – Training Program Assistant – May 2023 – Page 1 . BOARD CHAIR REPORT The Board received a letter from Rinita Cook dated April 7, 2014 announcing her resignation as an Ex-officio member of the RiverCom Administrative Board effective immediately. Instant messaging between RiverCom employees v. Chelan County announced Tuesday that Lowell Porter was tapped to lead the 911 dispatch service in Chelan and Douglas counties. RiverCom's new Financial Manager, Mihkaela Overbay, began December 6, 2021. There was no Board action taken at the workshop. 9-1-1 audio recordings ii. Located in Wenatchee, Washington, RiverCom’s service area covers approximately 4,741 square miles—from Stevens Pass to Blewett Pass and from Grand Coulee Dam to. Radio Technicians (2) IT Manager. RiverCom 911 is a jointly operated 911 Communications Center located in Chelan County. Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services Social Assistance Health Care and Social Assistance. Radio Technical Manager. She is a dedicated and highly skilled employee who has been serving the citizens of Chelan and Douglas County as a 911 Telecommunicator for two years now! When she's not working, she loves to spend time with her family. Office Assistant. Agency Test Requirements Written Examination: Yes, required Typing Test: Yes, required. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – January 8, 2014 Page 5 XVI. 03% Two (2) additional spreadsheets were provided with the financial. Mission Street, 3rd Floor Wenatchee, WA 98801 509. for the. State E911 Office Report a. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — November 18, 2020 Page 2 . Board Members: Arnold Baker (Chair), Jerrilea Crawford (Chair Pro Tem), Mike Poirier Ex-Officio Members: None PresentRIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting -April 11, 2018 Page 1 . Photo via iFiber One News. Capital Account currently being processed with the July accounts payable. org REQUESTING PARTY INFORMATION Please print. J. 34. The consortium will continue to work with SolaCom on the findings work to prevent this from. LessRIVERCOM 911 - Telecommunicator. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss current 911 equipment and technology needs, facility and radio site locations, and long-term planning initiatives. 935. Uses a computer-aided dispatch system, receive emergency calls from the public requesting police, fire, medical or other emergency services. Dispatcher Wenatchee Police Department Nov 1999 - Jul 2004 4 years 9 months. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – November 13, 2013 Page 3 6. Administrative Services Assistant. 680 likes · 47 talking about this. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – January 14, 2015 Page 5 The regular RIVERCOM Administrative Board meeting scheduled for November falls on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2015. 84 Hourly DOE . 310 Chelan County Sheriff 155. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, June 10, 2020. 680 likes · 47 talking about this. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, June 10, 2020. An update was given on RiverCom's status of integrating Text to 911. The delivery of 24/7/365 high quality, dependable, and reliable 911 call-taking and emergency services dispatching. GIS Analyst at RiverCom . Vendor information will be retained for a period of three (3) years. 2. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — March 15, 2023 Page 3 . Product Marketing. RiverCom was originally looking to be a "host site" but determined the venture would be too costly. Integration with text 911 is available to RiverCom, however, the phone consortium recommends the phone system change-over is complete before implementing this system. RIVERCOM 911 P. Employment is conditional on successfully passing a thorough background investigation and other pre-employment. Viebrock will replace Jim Fosse, the current Director, who is retiring after six years with RiverCom and more than 42 years of. Box 3344. The Board member agreed. RiverCom is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week processing emergency 911 and non-emergency calls-for-service and dispatching twenty-three (23) law, fire, and emergency medical public safety agencies withinRiverCom 911 RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting —June 12, 2019 Page 4 . a. Insurance Building, P. The new 911 phone system installation and cut-over is scheduled for January 26, 2021. 02 Technical Assistance. RiverCom 911 executive director Lowell Porter presents the center's 2022 Achievement Report from his office. players. RiverCom 911 is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that provides communications for the state of Washington’s Chelan and Douglas counties. The annual salary range for the position is $120,000 - $150,000 DOQ plus a comprehensive benefit package. The assessment not only evaluated the challenges facing the agency but also the strategic steps needed to build a healthier agency. Wenatchee, WA View Molly’s full profile See who you know in common Get introduced. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting — May 9, 2018 Page 1 . Wenatchee, Washington, United States Deputy Director in charge of day-to-day operations. Director Fosse reported that the State E911 Contract was supposed to be signed and in place by July 1, 2014. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Fosse reported on the following items: A. Payroll for May 1-31, 2023, paid June 5, 2023RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Due to COVID-19 health crisis directives, the RiverCom Administrative Board meeting was conducted by. Provided photo/RiverCom 911. org. Molly Elliott , North Eastern Region RiverCom 911 , (509) 663 9911, [email protected] — RiverCom 911 has its sights to settle in the Confluence Technology Center next year, after its administrative board on Wednesday approved negotiating a lease agreement with the ChelanRIVERCOM 911: Request for Public Records Form – Revised 120517 Page 1 RIVERCOM 911 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Mail or Email request form to: RIVERCOM 911 P. IT ManaqerRIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, November 18, 2020. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION POSITION APPLYING FOR:. Board of Commissioners RiverCom 911 . RiverCom is governed by the RiverCom Administrative Board, a governing body that was established through the agency’s originating Interlocal Agreement. Dan Sutton, Chair roTe , Commissioner, Douglas CountyRiverCom 911, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Agency’s financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 18, 2018. You may also click on the test event of interest below to sign up: Law Enforcement & Corrections Written and Physical Ability Test. Introduction of Jonathan Brock the new Deputy Director of RiverCom 911. Salary: $26. Keep to these simple actions to get RIVERCOM 911 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ready for submitting: Choose the form you will need in our collection of templates. daytona beach, fl 32114: p:(386)944-2469 e:[email protected]. RiverCom 911 – Modernizing Emergency Service Connections in the Pacific Northwest. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – April 8, 2015 Page 3 2. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Due to COVID-19 health crisis directives, the RiverCom Administrative Board meeting was conducted by teleconference service; there was no in-person meeting. Located in Wenatchee, Washington, RiverCom’ s service area covers approximately 4,741 square miles—from Stevens Pass to Blewett Pass and from Grand. Radio traffic recorded by RiverCom iv. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — February 12, 2020 Page 4 . RiverCom has. Jones replaces Lowell Porter, who came on as executive director in 2021. 3. Form and mail to RiverCom at the above address. c. MISSION STREET WENATCHEE, WA 98807 P:(509)662-4667 E:[email protected] - APPLICANT IS A 911 CENTER AND WILL USE FREQUENCIES AS PART OF THEIR SIMULCAST SYSTEM Ownership and Qualifications:RiverCom 911 replaces obsolete Land Mobile Radio (LMR) network with the MT Series to ensure reliable communications for public safety Challenge RiverCom 911 is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety…RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, September 29, 2021 The Rivet-Corn Administrative Board special meeting was conducted by teleconference service; there was no in-person meeting. When you call 9-1-1 in Chelan or Douglas County, a RiverCom Telecommunicator answers your call and will begin gathering information to evaluate and determine what type of response is required. LessIn the upcoming weeks RiverCom will be attending multiple career fairs for college and high school students, in Wenatchee, Okanogan and Moses Lake. 4. 415 Washington State Patrol 154. SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. 9-1-1 Call Processing. D. RiverCom 911 is the primary Public Safety Answering Point for all 911 calls and Emergency Services Dispatching for Chelan and Douglas counties. We issued an unmodified opinion on the fair presentation of the Agency’s financial statements inRiverCom could possibly secure a commercial loan or government bond to pay for needed 911 communication systems and facilities, although the cost to pay the principle and interest would have to be supported and realized by RiverCom’s founding principle organizations: Chelan County, Douglas County, City of Wenatchee, and City of. RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatcheé, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES. Dispatcher Written TestRIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE:. Wenatchee, Education. In 2012, the agency installed a 911 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) network to support its 23 different law enforcement, fire and emergency medical agencies. The hourly range for the position is $26. This revenue may not be used for any hardware, software, or systems related to the dispatch of information obtained from a 911 caller. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — September 11, 2019 Page 3 . GIS Presentation by GIS Analyst Lynn Palmer Director Fosse introduced Lynn Palmer as RIVERCOM’s new GIS Analyst and spoke briefly about her credentials; she is widely recognized within the. Copy. Title: Training Program. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — January 13, 2021 Page 2 . register('youtube-player-af9f0bff-7469-599e-a6d7-e077050c6e8a'); Mike 'Maddog' Magnotti is joined by Misty Viebrock of RiverCom 911 on Street Talk & Other Stuff as she prepares to take over as Executive Director on Jan 2,To sign up for this placeholder event, select the June 15, 2020 test date in your category (police, fire, 911 dispatch, corrections, etc. O. Frequency. Executive Director Viebrock discussed the possibility of over-hiring, noting that aRIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, May 8, 2019 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES. org. 3. RiverCom has been located on the third floor of the Wenatchee Police Department building at 140 S. RiverCom’s public records includes the following: a. Created Date: 1/10/2019 9:06:06 AM. Kevin Overbay (Chair), Dan Sutton (Chair Pro Tem),. cluck-u Chicken, grilled burger, chicken wingers, patrons, chicken sandwiches, online giftcertificate ordering, wraps, salads, order sauce online, Cluck-U corporation.