In 2012, the agency installed a 911 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) network to support its 23 different law enforcement, fire and emergency medical agencies. Mission St. RIVERCOM continues efforts to fill the vacant ESD positions; four (4) individuals have moved forward to the pre-employment process for the position of Emergency Services Dispatcher. ). The public disclosure of RiverCom's records is governed primarily by the Public Records Act (PRA), and various other federal and state laws as may be applicable. Financial reports for the month ending June 30, 2023. They have said that retro-active reimbursements will be applied so the. Frequency. Over the twelve-month period, RiverCom paid out a total of about $8,700 for the provision. RiverCom, the regional emergency dispatch center,. 03% Two (2) additional spreadsheets were provided with the financial. Administrative Services Manager Grupp Operations Manager Viebrock are scheduled to attend the State E911 Advisory Committee meeting and the APCO Summer Conference in Kennewick, WA June 24-27, 2014. cluck-u Chicken, grilled burger, chicken wingers, patrons, chicken sandwiches, online giftcertificate ordering, wraps, salads, order sauce online, Cluck-U corporation. Executive Director Viebrock discussed the possibility of over-hiring, noting that aRIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, May 8, 2019 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 129 South Chelan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES. Employer est. Sub menu is available. RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RIVERCOM 911 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Wenatchee City Council Chambers, 301 Yakima Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. Public Safety. All 9-1-1 emergency communications are handled through the "RiverCom 911" Dispatch Center that dispatches for all Chelan County police, fire, and EMS agencies, including for the cities of Cashmere, East Wenatchee, and Wenatchee. Located in Wenatchee, Washington, RiverCom’s service area covers approximately 4,741 square miles—from Stevens Pass to Blewett Pass and from Grand Coulee Dam to. After Hours: The vestibule provides 24. orgOct 2, 2022. LEO & CO PAT Practice Test . RiverCom 911 Aug 2022 - Present 1 year. RiverCom is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) located in Wenatchee, Washington providing public safety communications in Chelan and Douglas counties. 9 million and $9. Box 3344 140 S. Issuing Agency: RiverCom 911 P. OTHER BUSINESS 2. P. RiverCom’s public records includes the following: a. General Update PERC has finalized the switch for the RiverCom Supervisor Association. RiverCom 911 Feb 2007 - Present 16 years 5 months. Box 3344 Wenatchee, WA 98807 Chelan and Douglas Counties County 509-662-4650. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — April 8, 2020 Page 4 . . RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. Closed Holidays. This is the west end of the BNSF. 3. 17. RIVERCOM Administrative Board Members: Jerrilea wford air, ouncil Member, City of East Wenatchee. RiverCom 911. RiverCom serves as the regional 911 point-of-contact and is the only 911 communications agency by which all public safety agencies in Chelan and Douglas counties respond. A RiverCom dispatcher works at her desk at the agency’s headquarters in Wenatchee, Wa. Happy Memorial Day weekend from all of us at RiverCom!RiverCom 911, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Agency’s financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 18, 2018. RIVERCOM 911: Vendor Information Form – 01/01/21 (Page 1 of 1) RIVERCOM 911 P. rivercom 911 140 s. 9-1-1 audio recordings ii. He stated his only. We are located in the Wenatchee Police Department at 140 S Mission St. RiverCom 911: Job Description: Executive Director – January 30, 2023 – Page 6 • Demonstrate effective time management, planning, and organizational skills to effectively prioritize work and balance multiple responsibilities • Ability to develop, implem ent, and evaluate short and long-term goals and objectives;RiverCom 911 (RiverCom) is soliciting Proposal Statements (RFP) from interested consultant individuals and/or firms to secure Owner’s Representative/Project Management services for the development of a new Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP - 911 Call Taking & Emergency Services Dispatching Center) in the near future. Radio Technical Manager. Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority commissioners discussed the potential 20-year lease at the Tuesday board meeting. RiverCom 911. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – November 13, 2013 Page 3 6. Any person wanting to request copies of public records from RiverCom 911 can do so by clicking the link below: SUBMIT A REQUESTThe RiverCom Administrative Board. Insurance Building, P. RiverCom 911 Jul 2004 - Jun 2015 11 years. Year-to-date, for the month ending April 30, 2018, RIVERCOM has collected a expenditures. Executive Director. (509) 663-9911. Kevin Morris; Steve Crown RiverCom Staff: Misty Viebrock; Staci Larsen; Josh Humphrey; Jerry Corder; and Molly Elliott B CALL TO ORDER — Chairwoman Crawford. RiverCom is governed by the RiverCom Administrative Board, a governing body that was established through the agency’s originating Interlocal Agreement. The Board member. Kevin Overbay (Chair), Kyle. RIVERCOM 911 140 S. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – August 12, 2015 Page 2 VI. RiverCom may provide technical expertise to Customer as may be required for proper operations of Customer’s systems and for procurement of Customer’s communications. 310 Chelan County Sheriff 155. RiverCom 911 Chelan County . NCWLife has. Box 3344. Jones replaces Lowell Porter, who came on as executive director in 2021. Photo via iFiber One News. RiverCom 911 is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that provides communications for the state of Washington’s Chelan and Douglas counties. Form and mail to RiverCom at the above address. Read All. RiverCom 911. Wenatchee, WA. Minutes; 9-1-1 Operations; Public Records; Purchasing; Projects; Employment –. January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 . RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. Keep to these simple actions to get RIVERCOM 911 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ready for submitting: Choose the form you will need in our collection of templates. RiverCom is accepting applications from qualified individuals for a part-time Training Program Assistant position. Any person wanting to request copies of public records from RiverCom 911 can do so by clicking the link below: SUBMIT A REQUESTRivercom 911 has been going through some struggles I know many people in the valley are completely unaware of. RiverCom has been located on the third floor of the Wenatchee Police Department building at 140 S. Chelan County commissioner, District 1. Fosse has guided the Chelan and Douglas County 911 system since 2013. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — September 21, 2022 Page 2 . Following equipment installation, the system cut-over will be discussed at a RiverCom Operations Group meeting. Located in Wenatchee, Washington, RiverCom’ s service area covers approximately 4,741 square miles—from Stevens Pass to Blewett Pass and from Grand. Dispatcher Written TestRIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE:. RIVERCOM has hired three (3) individuals for the positions of Emergency Services Dispatcher. The Advisory Committee (AC) recommended the following policy changes to the State Enhanced 911 Coordination Office (SECO); the changes will beRIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. 310 Chelan County Sheriff 155. RiverCom is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) located in Wenatchee, Washington providing public safety communications in. Includes Wenatchee and East Wenatchee Police, Fire, EMS, and WSP. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Due to COVID-19 health crisis directives, the RiverCom Administrative Board meeting was conducted by teleconference service; there was no in-person meeting. Employment offers are made on the basis of qualifications and without regard to race, gender, religion,national or ethnic origin, disability, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. provide Customer twenty-four (24) hour 911 call receiving and emergency dispatching service for Customer’s citizens, visitors and responders. Board Members: Arnold Baker (Chair), Jerrilea Crawford (Chair Pro Tem), Mike Poirier Ex-Officio Members: None PresentRIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting -April 11, 2018 Page 1 . RiverCom is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week processing emergency 911 and non-emergency calls-for-service and dispatching twenty-three (23) law, fire, and emergency medical public safety agencies withinRiverCom 911 RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting —June 12, 2019 Page 4 . RiverCom has. RiverCom 911 Dec 2021 - Jul 2022 8 months. Emergency Services Dispatcher at Rivercom 911 East Wenatchee, Washington, United States. Kevin Overbay (Chair), Dan Sutton (Chair Pro Tem),. 20 - $31. 5. Provided photo/RiverCom 911. RiverCom 911 is a public safety company based out of 129 S Chelan Ave, Wenatchee, WA, United States. Board of Commissioners RiverCom 911 . Wednesday, June 23, 2023, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM . State E911 Office Report 1. 625 Douglas County Sheriff 155. | RiverCom 911 is the primary Public. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – November 12, 2014 Page 3 2014 YTD Revenue: As of October 31, 2014 actual revenue received was recorded as follows: 2014 YTD Revenue Dollar Amount % of Budget Outside Revenue and Grants (Capital) 319 51. RiverCom seeks qualified individuals who can provide communications functions using a wide-range of technology and who can contribute to our team with professionalism, responsibility, integrity, and commitment. The Telecommunicator will enter your call information into a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and routes the call to the. Administrative Services Assistant. since 2004 and its staff is increasing. An after-action review was completed by RiverCom and that information was sent to all Board members. ARTICLE 3 -MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 3. 5. He begins Nov. RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – April 8, 2015 Page 3 2. 415 Washington State Patrol 154. An update was given on RiverCom's status of integrating Text to 911. When you call 9-1-1 in Chelan or Douglas County, a RiverCom Telecommunicator answers your call and will begin gathering information to evaluate and determine what type of response is required. RiverCom received a letter from Lake Wenatchee Fire and Rescue about radio coverage issues in the Steven's Pass area. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – January 8, 2014 Page 5 XVI. There was no Board action taken at the workshop. RiverCom did not experience any operational issues over Memorial Day Weekend. P. 3. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – March 12, 2014 Page 3 operations were challenged due to several hours of down time and an exceptionally busy day that included several significant calls. OLD BUSINESS 1 2. O. The status of RiverCom as a host telephone system. 2. 680 likes · 47 talking about this. wa. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — July 8,. 3. RiverCom is part of the State's grant plan to be a host site within the consortium. Box 40021 Olympia, Washington 98504-0021 (564) 999-0950 Pat. She is already making initiatives in the financial department to modernize our. Report this profile. RIVERCOM 911 P. Scoops about RiverCom . RiverCom 911 Oct 2013 - Jan 2022 8 years 4 months. The position opening was. 27M from RiverCom 911, an public safety communications centre located in Washington State to supply a Land Mobile Radio infrastructure solution. Codan Communications, a division of Codan Limited (ASX:CDA), has secured a long term contract for USD $4. S. Eligibility: 90. RIVERCOM 911 - Telecommunicator Requirements. Required at time of. RiverCom is governed by the RiverCom Administrative Board, a governing body that was established through the agency’s originating Interlocal Agreement. About RiverCom; Administrative Board. RiverCom 911 Chelan County Sheriffs Office 12 years 11 months Reserve Deputy Sheriff Chelan County Sheriffs Office. In 2012, the agency installed a 911 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) network to support its 23 different law enforcement, fire and emergency medical agencies. Monday – Friday. Previously, Lynn was a Reserve Deputy Sheriff at Chelan County and also h eld positions at U. a. 2023 Accounts Payable in the amount of $129,666. 1. Created Date: 5/22/2023 1:14:50 PM. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION POSITION APPLYING FOR:. 430 Wenatchee Police 155. Wenatchee, Washington, United States Senior Service Engineer TSP Sep 2019 - Jun 2022 2 years 10 months. “I don’t want to be a distraction to the good work that RiverCom’s board and employees are. Vendor information will be retained for a period of three (3) years. Call Signs Eligibility: 90. Physical Address: 140 South Mission. RiverCom has announced it is read more company. E. Western Governors University. O. RiverCom 911: Administrative Board Meeting – January 8, 2014 Page 5 XVI. RiverCom is waiting to hear back so that a plan can be developed to move forward Facilitv Needs Study a. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Fosse reported on the following items: A. After considering an initial discussion with Doug Dickerson of RCC Consultants about the Phase 4 project and the. D. O. RIVERCOM 911 RIVERCOM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Confluence technology Center, 285 Technology Way, Wenatchee, WA 98801 MEETING MINUTES ATTENDANCE. The center answers and processes 9-1-1 calls and non-emergency calls and provides that information to police, fire and medical agencies in Chelan and Douglas counties. A 911 dispatcher on the dispatch floor. RiverCom is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week processing emergency 911 and non-emergency calls-for-service and dispatching twenty-three (23) law, fire, and emergency medical public safety agencies withinProvided photo/RiverCom 911. Kevin Overbay. 625 Douglas County Sheriff 155. b. Dan Sutton, Chair roTe , Commissioner, Douglas CountyRiverCom 911, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Agency’s financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated September 18, 2018. General Operating AccountRiverCom 911 ATTEST. Wenatchee, Washington . You may also click on the test event of interest below to sign up: Law Enforcement & Corrections Written and Physical Ability Test. Last year a report compiled by a professional consultant outlined poor management, staffing problems, and toxic work culture at RiverCom – the 911 dispatch service that serves 115,000 residents and covers. RIVERCOM 911 - EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION - Revised 062018 - Page 5. 9-1-1 Call Processing. RiverCom 911, Wenatchee, Washington. CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) Call Logs iii. General Operating Account $406,461. Vice-Chairman Barnhart asked about the status of RiverCom legal counsel and if there was a contingency plan to replace Riverom’s attorney pending his appointment to a federal judge position. RiverCom 911 Retired Seattle Fire Department and RiverCom 911 Jan 2019 - Present 4 years 4 months. You must select RiverCom for us to receive your testing results. RiverCom Administrative Board Minutes, September 15, 2021 RiverCom Administrative Board Special Meeting Minutes, September 29, 2021 RiverCom Administrative Board Workshop Minutes, October 13, 2021 6 Financial reports for the month ending September 30 2021 Payroll for September 1-30, 2021 paid October 5, 2021. Billing to Cities Director Fosse informed the Board that a question has come up about the possibility of providing a direct bill for 911 services to cities such as Chelan, Entiat, Cashmere, and Leavenworth. __tnt. 34. 4. RiverCom: Administrative Board Meeting — June 10, 2020 Page 4 . RIVERCOM 911: Administrative Board Meeting – October 8, 2014 Page 3 B.