Please email [email protected], Minn. 2023 Information Tuesdays, June 6- September 26 (no July 4), 3:30-6:30 pm Hjemkomst Center Parking Lot, 202 1st Ave N. We so appreciate your interest and hope you consider partnering with Moorhead Parks and Recreation! For more information, please contact Josie Gereszek at 218. Doors open. Events Search. , 1666 1st Ave N Fargo, ND 58102 United States + Google Map. Residential Services. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business & Employee Resources; Health, Housing & FoodResidents. Flood Response. Laura MacKenzie performs "A Celtic Breeze: Music from Ireland, Scotland, Cape Breton, Brittany and Galicia on traditional wind instruments and. September 17, 2022. Residents. Proceeds benefit Moorhead Dog Parks! Dogs should have a collar, carry ID tags, be properly licensed, vaccinated, and in good health to swim. The Moorhead Business Association (MBA) invites you to our annual Bridge Bash – an event specifically geared toward connecting the students who fill the FM colleges/universities and the business. at Broadway Square Greater Moorhead Days MIDCO Kids Fest: September 11 from 4:30—7 p. PLEASE LABEL CLEARLY AND SUBMIT TO [email protected]. Residential Services. Residents. ORG/150. 2023 Schedule Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks. Print Feedback. on Friday, September 9. and International Dance. FROSTIVAL . Stop in and shop for a variety of items including clothing, furniture, wood-crafted products and more! Admission is $1. On five Tuesdays in the summer, Moorhead Parks and Recreation presents RiverArts. Laura. "The mission of Moorhead Area Public Schools is to develop the maximum potential of every learner to thrive in a changing world. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. 6 h - 06/30/2023 10:38 )RiverArts. Meeting Professionals ; Sports Planners ; Go. Residential Services. at Rheault Farm. Brr-illiant 10-minute Plays - Friday-Saturday, January 27-28. Olson, that spans from the 1950s to the 1970s and its images include such topics as the Fargo tornado in 1957, Native Americans, and the Vietnam War. Residential Services. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. Good luck , and happy hunting!Daily clues for the medallions are announced on Big 98 . 🧡🥔 Read more at ISD152. com. Greater Moorhead Days September 8, 2022 - September 17, 2022. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. Celebrate the great city of Moorhead by participating in various Greater Moorhead Days activities such as the annual parade and medallion hunts that happen all over town. M ORHEAD PARKS & RECREATION FALL AND WINTER 2022-2023 PROGRAMS & EVENTS FOR YOUTH & ADULTS | MOORHEADPARKS. Flood Zones; Flood FAQ; Residential Services. Greater Moorhead Days (GMD): Celebrate our community with Greater Moorhead Days! Join us for 10 days packed full of fun and exciting events for all ages, including the Greater Moorhead Days Parade. Historic Fargo Theatre. The City of Moorhead and Matbus have teamed up to offer rides to RiverArts in 2023. Enjoy a night of family fun at the pool with free open swim, chips and pop (while supplies last) and a. “It was on Y94 and Ella was super excited, she’s never done a cake walk before and. 299. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business & Employee Resources; Health, Housing & FoodResidents. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. September 7-16. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasRead the publication. Historic Fargo Theatre. Trash, Recycling & Yard WasteShelly Carlson, Mayor of Moorhead, joined Bonnie & Friends to tell us about Greater Moorhead Days events and how the city is coming along. Organizations & Resources. September 5-14 GREATER MOORHEAD greatermoorheaddays. In 2021, Fargo-Moorhead’s population. Moorhead Cruise Night is a monthly gathering of motor vehicle enthusiasts in downtown Moorhead, Minnesota, with food, music, and an exciting family friendly atmosphere. Residential Services. m. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. Residents. Residents. Doors open. Day Of. July 13, 2023, 2 - 4 pm. Flood Zones; Flood FAQ; Residential Services. Visit the city's website event calendar for moreResidents. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasSale, RiverArts, Farmers Market, Greater Moorhead Days, Halloween events, Sleigh Rides. Residential Services. 2/21/2023 12:23:34 AMResidents. August 7-12. July 6-9. You can even Skate with Santa! Get. It was one of many events part of Greater Moorhead Days which runs through next Saturday, September 17th. Ages 3-5 8:45am-11:45am. Show Events Search Events Search. The Red River Valley Fair opens for the 2023 summer. Residents. Wednesday, May 31-Wednesday, August 2, 6 pm Moorhead. Residential Services. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. Registration begins at 10 a. ContactJoin us for the Greater Moorhead Days Parade Friday, September 10th. City Land for Sale. josie. m. We so appreciate your interest and hope you consider partnering with Moorhead Parks and Recreation! For more information, please contact Josie Gereszek at 218. com DAYS MOORHEAD MINNESOTA Activities subject to change Parks and Recreation THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Bridge Bash: 6-10 pm, Main Avenue Bridge FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Greater Moorhead Days Parade: 6 pm, 28 Ave S heading north on 20 St SATURDAY,. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business & Employee Resources; Health, Housing & FoodResidents. 9:00 am The Market @ West Acres. F-M Visitors Center. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. 11:15 am: McDonald School of Irish. The Moorhead Farmers Market is a great place to Get Fresh and Go Local. Residents. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. From the Collection: The Cal Olson Photograph Collection is a diverse collection of images taken by Mr. Cullen Hockey Center, 707 Main Ave SE, Moorhead. August 7-12. Residential Services. Here are the Day 2 clues for 2022 ' s Greater Moorhead Days Medallion Hunt . Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasWho attended the Greater Moorhead Days Parade and caught a Northwestern Bank frisbee?! Our NWB reps were out in full force last Friday enjoying the nice parade weather #WhereFamilycaresforFamilyOur club has been busy! Greater Moorhead Days Parade and last night Kidfest sponsored by Midco. . Embrace the cool of winter with six weeks of family-friendly events, food &. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. 20th St (northbound from 28th Ave S to 14th Ave S) Thank you to all our partners. The Moorhead Scholarship Pageant is held in conjunction with "Greater Moorhead Days" in September of each year. English. VENDORS. Residents. Residential Services. — Greater Moorhead Days has kicked off a week packed full of events for all ages with the first event, Bridge Bash. at 28th Avenue south. m. QUALITY PARTS Duggans 1405 Main Avenue • Moorhead 218-233-9169 Thank You TO OUR SPONSORS Fargo-Moorhead CVB American Crystal Sugar Company Lemke Home. Residents. NOTICE: The Moorhead Farmers Market is seeking funding for the Power or Produce and Power of Produce Plus Clubs programs, but has yet to secure it for the 2023 season. Search. This year’s parade. Residential Services. Needing some fresh produce? Our Farmers Market is open June-September. m. 56560 Rummage Sale. Weather; 30 Days Forecast; Satellite+Radar; Map;Fall Book Sale: Our full book sale with all categories will be Sept. Trash, Recycling & Yard WasteResidents. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 54 Jump to Page; Contact Us ; Moorhead. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. 11:15 am: McDonald School of Irish. Residential Services. September 9-18 500 center Ave, Moorhead |(218) 299-5166. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasHjemkomst Center. Bring a chair or blanket, enjoy the live music, and engage. Trash, Recycling & Yard WasteSale, RiverArts, Farmers Market, Greater Moorhead Days, Halloween events, Sleigh Rides. Flood Zones; Flood FAQ; Residential Services. (Moorhead, MN) -- The Greater Moorhead Days Parade takes place Friday evening, and that means some detours on your way home from work. M. There is more information about the week-long event at. Moorhead, MN Greater Moorhead Days. Greater Moorhead Days - Thursday, September 7-Saturday, September 16. 1:15 pm: Authentic Irish tunes from. 800 19 St S. Flood Response. & 11th St. Happy hunting! UPDATE 9/16 10AM: ALL MEDALLIONS HAVE BEEN FOUND!Residents. | pastor, Apple, North CarolinaResidents. 5340. edu with any questions. Residential Services. Arbor Day Party: May 18 from 5:30—7:30 p. m. . You can click on an event to see more details on it. at Broadway Square Greater Moorhead Days MIDCO Kids Fest: September 11 from 4:30—7 p. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasPowerSports is on the move: After 55 years in DL, program revs up for relocation to Moorhead campus May 4, 2023 When M State’s small engine repair and maintenance program was first introduced in Detroit Lakes in. Day Of. Join us for cultural performances, artist-led demonstrations and activities, inflatables, yard games, a photo station, imagination playground, interactive mural and more fun for everyone! Opening performances are 5:30-6 pm with headlining. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasMoorhead 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and Moorhead travel weather forecast. Residential Services. com. Greater Moorhead Days - Thursday, September 7-Saturday, September 16 Moorhead. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasArbor Day Party: Date TBA from 5:30—7:30 [email protected]. 1-4 pm. Outreach Ambassador Position Description. 5078 or by email at . Development Services. 14-16 (times TBD) in the library’s basement meeting rooms in conjunction with Greater Moorhead Days; Fall Bag Sale: Our bag sale with select. Northeast Park Wading Pool ~ 1817 8 Ave N. 2023 . Residents. at Bluestem Center for the Arts Please contact me if other opportunities are scheduled RACE THE RED CANOE & KAYAK RACES JUNE 5 (BACK-UP WEATHER DATE OF JUNE 17) AT DIKE EAST Transport canoe and kayak trailer (2 volunteers)Skate with Santa Sunday, December 4 2:15-4:15 pm Moorhead Sports Center Lace up your skates and enjoy free open skate with Santa and Mrs. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business & Employee Resources; Health, Housing & FoodEach year we participate in the Greater Moorhead Days parade and the Moorhead High School Homecoming parade. Flood Zones; Flood FAQ; Residential Services. 12:15 pm: Clairseach. The Arc, Moorhead Special Olympics, & Moorhead Kiwanis will have a convertible in the parade and people walking to hand out items. at Broadway Square Greater Moorhead Days MIDCO Kids Fest: September 11 from 4:30—7 p. 5078 or by email at . Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste; Water & Elecricity; Natural GasResidents. 9:00 am XaBeat at The Lights. MAP. com. Featuring 4 of Moorhead's best restaurants, and over a dozen local shops and services, right in the heart of Moorhead's downtown. Trash, Recycling & Yard WasteResidents. AugustSeason pool passes will be available for purchase. The Moorhead Scholarship Pageant is held in conjunction with "Greater Moorhead Days" in September of each year Contact us for more information! Please list the program you are. Flood Response. July 10, 2023 (79 years old) View obituary. The Woodchipper in Fargo. Flood Response.